ni ada tools buat orang2 yang puyeng baca tulisan berbahasa asing....
Client for Google Translate — this is a free translator for Windows
which enables the fast translation of text in the majority of applications, such as Outlook, MS Word, Internet Explorer, and Firefox using the Google Translate service.
Google Translate is one of the most popular computer-aided translation services, however, using an online-translator for text translation is inconvenient: you have to launch the browser, open the website, copy and paste the text, select the language... Too time-consuming!
Now you can translate web-pages, electronic mail and other documents without opening online-translation sites and buying expensive bulky programs. This free translator is always at hand – you simply need to select the text with your mouse!
The translator features
* Immediate translation of the selected text
* More than 50 languages, automatic language detection
* Search of Articles from Wikipedia (Pro)
* Free XDXF dictionary support (Pro)
* Shortcut keys to open the translator
* "Suggest a better translation" function
* Automatic checking for updates and news
* Learning foreign words (Pro)
Pro Features Description
Learning foreign words
Learner - is a desktop gadget for effective learning foreign words and phrases. With Learner you can improve your memory skills and improve foreign vocabulary at the same time.
Supports Wikipedia
Client for Google Translate Pro enables you to obtain various terms and other useful information from Wikipedia as quickly and easily as the text translation. You simply need to select the term and click on the W icon. A Wikipedia extract will open in a pop-up window under the cursor!
Supports free XDXF dictionaries
XDXF (XML Dictionary eXchange Format) – a project comprising all of the existing open dictionaries.
With the dictionaries installed you can not only obtain the full-text translation, but also dictionary definitions of the selected text (even if there is no internet connection). The translator supports transcription if there is one in the dictionary base. The maximum number of installed dictionaries is not specified.
You can download dictionaries from the XDXF project website.
Download the dictionary, decompress the .xdxf file. Then select ‘Install Dictionary’ from the program menu.
Select your .xdxf file at the opening dialogue and click on the ‘Install Dictionary’ key to launch the installation. The installation can take several minutes depending on the dictionary size and the computer capacity.
What's new in v4.7.435?
Added a direct interface to 24/7 Human Translation service, powered by Fixed minor bugs.
What's new in v4.7.410?
Search selected text with the S-icon, create your own phrasebooks for Learner.
What's new in v4.6.393?
Fixed a permanent loss connection with the server.
pertama jalanin aplikasinya trus buka aplikasi yang text-nya mo di translate..
misal halaman web di web browser ex: firefox, opera, gochro; ato office word/ excel/ pp/ ato notepad..
nah nanti di system tray ada lambang G warna biru.. klik kanan trus pilih option enable..
nanti setelah di enable, cukup blok teks yang mo di translate trus di sebelah kursor muncul icon G biru lagi nah klik de tu icon.. nanti muncul translatenya
1. klik kanan icon "G" biru di system tray dan pilih "Install Dictionary"
2. di window Install Dictionary klik link label "Download Dictionary", nanti masuk ke web tempat download XDXF
3. ini webnya..disini saya download yg english japanese, soalnya indo-english g ada
4. stelah di dl, di extract dolo bro sampe keluar file ".xdxf"-nya, baru di browse kemudian di install
5. setelah finish nanti di context menu icon G di system tray ada pilihan dictionary yang sudah diinstall dibawah tulisan "Install Dictionary".. klik aja klo mo me-non-aktifkan
6. ini contoh offline dict-nya bar sebelah kanan bisa untuk pilih kata
link download:
Download GTC.v5.0.515Pro@Maknyos
password: Uploaded_by_Abunawas
What's new in 5.1 Beta?
Alternate translations provided by new Google Translate API. Back Translation area. Option for Enable/Disable AutoCopy with Synchro.
Ini ada yang terbaru:
Google Translate Client 5.1 beta